Land Planning

Zoning & Plat Submittals

Zoning restrictions govern the usage of land and the construction of buildings within a specific region. Request that Bullard Land Planning assist you in filing your zoning applications. Our staff will collaborate with all parties concerned to guarantee that all short and long-term objectives are reached.

Yield Studies

The yield study is used to estimate how many residential units, businesses, and stores will fit on a given site. Yield analyses consider necessary setbacks, institutional requirements, road alignments, and dominant topographical features on the location. This is a useful tool for developers to assess the viability of a specific project from a financial standpoint. A yield analysis might need to go through several iterations in order to confirm that a project is financially feasible.

Conceptual Plans

Conceptual plans are a crucial step in the land development process. They provide a comprehensive assessment of the opportunities and constraints of a land development project.

They can offer multiple perspectives, including transportation and infrastructure networks as well as sustainable design.


Citizens and other interested parties can visualize proposed land development projects thanks to planning graphics.

When it comes to winning support for a public works project, these visual tools might make all the difference

Land-Use Planning

Land-use planning aims to efficiently and ethically organize and regulate land usage, preventing land-use disputes. Land-use planning is a tool used by governments to control land development under their control. By doing this, the governing body may plan for community needs while protecting natural resources.

In order to choose and implement the optimal land-use options, it is necessary to systematically evaluate land and water potential, alternative land uses, and economic and social conditions. A land-use plan offers a vision for the potential future development in a specific planning area, such as a city, district, or neighborhood.

Full Site Construction Plans

Full site construction plans are comprehensive documents that provide a detailed blueprint for the entire construction project. These plans include site layout, grading and drainage, utility placement, road design, and other crucial aspects. By outlining every aspect of the project, civil site construction plans ensure efficient use of land, adherence to regulations, and successful execution of the development, ultimately resulting in a safe, functional, and well-coordinated site.

Permit Services

Producing, submitting and obtaining approvals for the necessary paperwork needed for Land disturbance permits through the local, state, utility and federal government entities for the wide variety site development projects.

  • Adhering to current code requirements for renovation, new construction, additions, and the division of land into smaller parcels.

  • The ability to provide boundary surveys, site plans, and other documentation required by the various jurisdictions “in-house” shortens the process and prevents misunderstandings by responding to the concerns and requests of the county/city reviewer more quickly and accurately.

  • An additional layer of proofreading the submitted information for errors or omissions is added by reviewing the plans and supporting documents before submission.

Residential Site Plans

When building new residences or expansions on existing lots, the cities and counties demand site plans.

  • Contains tree, topographic, and boundary surveys for your site.

  • Complies with the governing authority’s site plan specifications.

  • We are Level 2 Certified Design Professionals under the GWSCC.
Site Design
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